Here Comes the Cai Shen!
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「五路財神」又分別是誰呢? 宜倫眼睛轉啊轉的,問著:「到底誰是財神爺呀?」

Many malls or department stores hire actors to play the Cai shen ye during the Spring Festival.
In a red mandarin jacket and donning a futou worn by a magistrate, he carries red envelopes or small gifts in a golden ingot-shaped basket and gives them out to customers to wish everybody a prosperous new year.
Sometimes even delivery couriers dress up as such for bringing luck and fortune to the streets.
“Why are they wearing funny clothes, Grandpa?”
asked Yi-lun, my little granddaughter.

“It’s a marketing gimmick,” I said with a smirk.
“It’s a marketing gimmick,” I said with a smirk.
“The idea is that, besides delivering food to you,
the company as the Cai shen ye brings more money and treasure
than you can count and spend to fill your house.”

In 669, south Fukien was an area lack of management and fell behind other places. The mountain tribal people
Yi-lun’s eyes turned round in a circle.
“Who is the Cai shen ye, then?” she pressed on.
“He’s one of the most popular gods, and there are Zheng Cai shen and Semi Cai shen,” I began to explain. “The Zheng Cai shen, like Wen Cai shen, Wu Cai shen and Wu lu Cai shen, have a say in your career or business. In contrast, the Semi Cai shen is for quick money and random fortunes. These include Tudi gong, Phra Phrom, Liu the Sea-Toad Immortal, and celestial beasts like Huye and the Three-Legged Toad.”

“Wen Cai shens were ancient civil officials.
Most often you’d see Bi Gan, but some are Fan Li (also known as Tao Zhu Gong).
Wenchang dijun and Guanyin may be counted among this category.
Those with office jobs or in the service of creative industries are recommended to worship Wen Cai shen.
“Wu Cai shen, on the other hand, were once generals.
Guan gong(The Holy Emperor Guan), and Zhao Gongming,
the Marshal of the Black Altar, are the ones most people know of.
They are for those who work outdoors or do physical work.”

” Wu lu Cai shen” according to Taoists, Zhao Gongming serves with Chen Jiu Gong of the South, Xiao Sheng of the East,
Cao Bao of the West, and Yao Shao Si of the North.
Tibetan Buddhists have their own Wu lu Cai shen.
Those are in turn color-coded: yellow, white, black, green, and red.”