


Volume IV: Jingle of the Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals

文 | 林麗黛 許忠和
圖 | 蔡靜江







Each year is represented with one of the twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals. The twelve animals are a rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. They mirror the twelve early branches, Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai, respectively. Therefore, the year of Zi is the year of the rat, the year of Chou is the year of the ox, and so on and so forth.

In the Taiwanese society, various customs, images, stories, proverbs, and songs about the twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals have been passed down and integrated into the culture and art of everyday life. This volume “Jingle of the Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals” presents the fascinating proverbs about the Chinese Zodiac with the Taiwanese jingle.

The content of the jingle is as follows. The first is the rat which refers to thieves. The second is the ox that drags ploughs. The third is the tiger that in the mountains saunters around. The fourth is the rabbit that in the city meanders around. The fifth is the dragon that wears a title of royalty. The sixth is the snake that scares everybody. The seventh is the horse that marches in the barracks. The eighth is the goat that eats grass. The ninth is the monkey that climbs trees. The tenth is the rooster that crows. The eleventh is the dog that guards the yard. The twelfth is the pig that gets slaughtered.

第四冊 十二生相來唸歌-前言
第四冊 十二生相來唸歌-前言(臺語)
Volume IV – Jingle of the Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals