Volume IV: Jingle of the Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals
文 | 林麗黛 許忠和
圖 | 蔡靜江
Each year is represented with one of the twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals. The twelve animals are a rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. They mirror the twelve early branches, Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai, respectively. Therefore, the year of Zi is the year of the rat, the year of Chou is the year of the ox, and so on and so forth.
In the Taiwanese society, various customs, images, stories, proverbs, and songs about the twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals have been passed down and integrated into the culture and art of everyday life. This volume “Jingle of the Twelve Chinese Zodiac Animals” presents the fascinating proverbs about the Chinese Zodiac with the Taiwanese jingle.
The content of the jingle is as follows. The first is the rat which refers to thieves. The second is the ox that drags ploughs. The third is the tiger that in the mountains saunters around. The fourth is the rabbit that in the city meanders around. The fifth is the dragon that wears a title of royalty. The sixth is the snake that scares everybody. The seventh is the horse that marches in the barracks. The eighth is the goat that eats grass. The ninth is the monkey that climbs trees. The tenth is the rooster that crows. The eleventh is the dog that guards the yard. The twelfth is the pig that gets slaughtered.
- 飼鳥鼠,咬布袋。
Tshī niáu-tshí, kā pòo-tē.
- 青盲貓拄著死鳥鼠。
Tshenn-mê niau tú-tio̍h sí niáu-tshí.
- 甘願做牛,毋驚無犁通拖。
Kam-guān tsò gû, m̄ kiann bô lê thang thua.
- 食若牛,做若龜。
Ji̍p hóo kháu, bô sí iā oo-áu.
- 惹熊惹虎,毋通惹著刺查某。
Jiá hîm jiá hóo, m̄-thang jiá-tio̍h tshiah-tsa-bóo.
- 入虎口,無死也烏漚。
Ji̍p hóo kháu, bô sí iā oo-áu.
- 兔角龜毛。
Thòo kak ku mn̂g.
- 龍交龍,鳳交鳳,隱痀交侗戇。
Lîng kau lîng, hōng kau hōng, ún-ku kau tòng-gōng.
- 龍一尾,較贏杜蚓一畚箕。
Liông tsi̍t bué, khah-iânn tōo-kún tsi̍t pùn-ki.
- 青盲的毋驚蛇。
Tshenn-mê–ê m̄-kiann tsuâ.
- 死蛇活尾溜。
Sí tsuâ ua̍h bué-liu.
- 惡馬惡人騎,胭脂馬拄著關老爺。
Ok-bé ok-lâng khiâ, ian-tsi-bé tú-tio̍h Kuan-ló-iâ.
- 荏荏馬嘛有一步踢。
Lám-lám bé mā ū tsi̍t pōo that.
- 羊仔笑牛無鬚。
Iûnn-á tshiò gû bô tshiu.
- 相爭一跤箸,放去一隻羊。
Sio-tsenn tsi̍t kha tī, pàng khì tsi̍t tsiah iûnn.
- 大格雞慢啼。
Tuā keh ke bān thî.
- 生雞卵無,放雞屎有。
Senn ke-nn̄g bô, pàng ke-sái ū.
- 白狗偷食,烏狗受罪。
Pe̍h káu thau tsia̍h, oo-káu siū tsuē.
- 勸恁有孝千萬句,袂曉有孝豬狗牛。
Khǹg lín iú-hàu tshian-bān kù, bē-hiáu iú-hàu ti káu gû.
- 豬毋肥,肥佇狗。
Ti m̄ puî, puî tī káu.
- 差豬差狗,不如家己走。
Tshe ti tshe káu, put-jû ka-kī tsáu.